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What is knob paging?Updated 2 years ago

Knob paging allows you to have more than four knobs to control, even though the hardware has four physical knobs on it. 

When using the BEACN App, pressing the + button allows you to add more knobs, based on virtual USB audio devices or attached hardware devices and use the < and > buttons to move between "pages" of knobs. 

You'll notice that if you have only four knobs assigned, the < and > buttons will be unlit. 

When you add a fifth knob, the > button will light, indicating that you have more knobs available. Pressing the > button will move the existing knobs over and expose the newly added knob. Knobs move in groups depending on how many unseen knobs there are. Here's a couple of  examples to help illustrate what that means. Brackets = (screen area)

(1 2 3 4) - Only four knobs and the < > buttons are unlit

(1 2 3 4 ) 5 - Five knobs and the > button is lit

In the above example, pressing the > button will move the 1 knob off the screen to the left and add the knob into the far right slot. 

1 (2 3 4 5) will now be shown on the screen and the button will light, showing that the knob is now accessible by pressing the < button. 

(1 2 3 4) 5 6 7 - Seven knobs and the button is lit

In the above example, pressing the > button will move the 1 2 3 knobs off the screen to the left and add knobs 5 6 7 to the screen.

1 2 3 (4 5 6 7) will now be shown on the screen and the < will light, showing that the 1 2 3 knobs are now accessible by pressing the < button. 




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