How to submit an idea to BEACNUpdated 2 years ago
Recently, we launched the BEACN Ideas Portal. This board allows you to submit ideas for new products or product features you would like to see us create or implement, as well as upvote other users ideas! In this article we will show you how to add an idea, as well as best practices for submitting an idea to the board.
Submitting an idea to BEACN Ideas
- Open your browser, and navigate to
- Click "Submit Idea" in the top right
- In the text box where it says "Please enter only one idea per post!", type out the basis of your idea
Best Practice
After you type in your idea title, our board will show you ideas it thinks are similar! If your idea is already there, please click on it and upvote it instead!
- If your idea is not listed already, finish your title, and then fill out a description for your idea. Remember to be as detailed as possible
Best Practice
Remember to include only one suggestion per idea!
- After typing out your description, you can choose up to 3 topics that your idea relates to! Once done, click submit idea
You've successfully added your first idea to the BEACN Idea board!